首页 英语作文 美国又爆严重枪击案,在纪念枪击受害者的活动上



A Chicago house party held to memorialize a member of the community who died from gun violence last spring was interrupted by two gunmen who opened fire in and around the house, wounding 13 people, four of whom are in critical condition.



Fred Waller, who heads the patrol division for Chicago police, said the victims ranged from age from 16 to 48 — and that a 16-year-old boy was among those in critical condition.

芝加哥警局巡逻队主管弗雷德·沃勒(Fred Waller)称,受害者年龄在16岁到48岁之间,其中一位16岁的男孩伤势严重。

The Chicago Police department said it believes the shooting was the result of a personal dispute, not an act of gang violence. But they described a scene in which the two suspects took steps to maximize casualties.


“Definitely there were two different shooters. It looked like they were just shooting randomly at people as they exited the party,” Waller said, according to the Guardian. “The people started to spill out, and as they spilled out more shots were fired. So we have about three [shooting] scenes.”


Police have taken two people into custody for questioning, and have recovered a revolver.


The party was being held to commemorate the birthday of Lonell Irvin, a 22-year-old man who was shot and killed during an attempted carjacking in April.

聚会是为了纪念罗尼尔·欧文(Lonell Irvin)的生日,这名22岁的男子在4月的一次劫车未遂事件中被杀害。

According to Vox’s mass shootings tracker, this incident is the 18th mass shooting in the United States this month, and the 402nd such incident this year. At least 457 people have been killed in mass shootings this year in the US, and over 1,600 have been wounded.


Like many large US cities, Chicago has struggled to deal with gun violence; according to the Chicago Tribune, 2,594 people have been shot so far this year in the city — 248 fewer than 2018.

