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Road congestion eases on second day of Qingming holiday

Road congestion eases on second day of Qingming holiday

Road congestion eases on second day of Qingming holiday

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Since Sunday marks the second day of China's traditional Qingming holiday, or Tomb Sweeping Day, major highways across the country are faced with heavy congestion.

More than 3.9 million people paying respects to their ancestors and travelling to enjoy the scenery of spring. On Saturday, the highway linking Beijing to Lhasa saw a monster traffic jam of nearly 12 hours.

Chinese people are on the move during the three-day holiday for the Qingming Festival, or Tomb-Sweeping Day. The country's expressway network is facing a surging number of travellers.

The transport authority has been monitoring the traffic flows on some ten major highways, including those linking Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin.
