首页 英语作文 戛纳电影节开幕之际高度戒备恐怖袭击





Security at the Cannes film festival is at an all-time high as organisers prepare for an event that will bring – along with the likes of George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson – an increased risk of terrorist attack.


The festival, which opens on Wednesday, will operate with heightened security after the attacks on Paris and Brussels and reports from Italian intelligence that Islamic state is planning to target beach resorts.


Cannes’ organisers have recruited 500 extra security personnel to protect the event, which this year is expected to draw more than 200,000 attendees, including the world’s media and some of film’s most famous players.


Clooney and Roberts star in the Jodie Foster-directed thriller Money Monster, which is about a desperate man who holds a TV anchor (Clooney) hostage live on air.


Also appearing in Cannes will be Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, who co-star in Woody Allen’s Café Society, which opens the festival.


The programme’s lack of films that tackle the contemporary issues of terrorism and religious conflict has been seen by some as a concerted attempt to avoid any tension.


It has been rumoured that the latest film from Bertrand Bonello was rejected because of its plot, described by the director as “young people planting bombs in Paris in the present day”.


Organisers and local politicians are keen to strike a balance between ensuring the safety of attendees and retaining Cannes’s exuberant (and already highly exclusive) atmosphere.


Even the yacht-owning elite will be under great scrutiny, with the chief of police telling Le Monde : “No single boat will enter the Cannes bay without being checked.”


The city’s mayor, David Lisnard, defended the high-security approach earlier this week, saying: “Do you think an attack brings merriment?


Cannes must be protected not because of the cocktail parties, but because it is a professional event of a high level which brings honour to France.”

戛纳必须被保护,不是因为那些鸡尾酒派对,而是因为这是 一个高层次的专业性活动,它给法国带来荣耀。”

Lisnard has recruited former Israel Defence force general Nitzan Nuriel to consult on the possibility of a “multi-terror event”, while last month French security forces simulated an attack on the festival’s key venue, the Grand Palais.

利斯纳德招募了前以色列国防部将军Nitzan Nuriel作为“多重恐怖事件”可能性的顾问,上个月,法国安全部队在电影节的主要会场大皇宫模拟了一场袭击。

Video footage of the simulation showed four masked men, dressed in black and carrying machine guns, emerge from a car and fire blank rounds at pretend bystanders and police officers.


Medical teams attended the wounded who lay on the ground wearing red bibs. In a separate exercise, a team of bomb disposal officers acted out the removal of an explosive device.


The need for such a public demonstration worried some festival goers, but Lisnard defended the decision to broadcast the city’s readiness.


“The exercise is not reality, but the exercise helps to prepare for the reality and to limit the risk,” he told the French magazine Le Point.

“这次演习并非线实,但它有助于为现实作准备并控制风险,”他告诉法国杂志《Le Point》。
