首页 英语作文 单词百科:socia是什么意思?socia怎么发音?socia的解释和用法










1、Objective : To analyze the aetiological characteristics and bacterial susceptibility in paatients with ventilator associated pneumonia.

目的:分 析呼吸机相关肺炎(ventilatorassociatedpneumonia,VAP) 的病原学及药物敏感的情况.

2、Objective: to improve the acknowledge of clinicians to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) lymphoma.

目的: 提高临床医师对黏膜相关( mucosaassociatedlymphoidtissueMALT ) 淋巴瘤的认识.

3、Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics and treatment of DHD.

目的 探讨分离性水平斜视(Dissociatedhorizontal deviation,DHD) 的临床特点和治疗方法.

4、The safety of intramuscular injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus ( AAV )-mF to rescue hemophilia B was assessed.

研究了肌注腺伴随病毒 ( adeno-associatedvirus,AAV ) 介导凝血因子基因治疗血友病B的安全性.

5、Already, the American association of Retired People estimates that 37 % of workers lack a pension plan.

实际上, 美国退休人士协会(AmericanAssociationofRetiredPeople)估计37%的劳动者缺乏一个退休计划.

6、This new doctrine calls on America's warriors to perform the novel task of " armed social work "

新的指导方针号召美军士兵执行新任务,名为 “ 武装保障的社会福利工作(armedsocialwork) ”

7、Frustrated by the tepid response, Mr Kim turned to the Catholic Priests'Association for Justice ( CPAJ ).

对反响太小感到失望的金先生转而投向基督教牧师正义联合会(CatholicPriests'AssociationforJustice ( CPAJ) ).

8、The US-based hedge funds run by Goldman Sachs and Bridgewater Associates each manage more than $ 20 bn.


9、Overall trust assets, which include loans, publicly traded securities and private equity-style investments, rose at their slowest pace in more than two years in the third quarter, figures from the China Trustee Association show.

根据中国信托业协会(China Trustee Association)的数据,信托资产其中包括贷款、公开交易的证券和私募股权式投资总体增速在第三季度降到了两年多来的最差水平。

10、Youku says it will distribute copies of the software to the Motion Picture Association and approved rights owners.

优酷网说,公司将向美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association)和获准的版权所有者发放软件拷贝。

11、The International Dark Sky Association estimates that unnecessary or inefficient4 artificial light wastes about three billion US Dollars every year.

国际暗天协会(The International Dark Sky Association)估计,不必要或低效的人造光源每年浪费约30亿美元。

12、Blair: Serena, when there's a Waldorf soiree, there's nothing else on the social calendar.

social calendar:社交安排表calendar:日程表Serena,如果有Waldorf家的晚会,社交计划里就不该有其他事情。

13、Suppose you want to test that the page title is equal to" GitHub-Social Coding", as in Listing 4.

假如您想要测试页面标题是否等于“GitHub-Social Coding”,如下清单4所示。

14、Though the action was brought by a French archeologist Bernard Gomez, also head of the Association for the protection of Chinese art in Europe, it received the tacit support of authorities.

虽然法庭行动是由法国考古学家、欧洲保护中华艺术联合会(Association for the Protection of Chinese Art in Europe)会长高明斯(Bernard Gomez)提起之,但它得到了中国官方默示之支持。

15、Analysts anticipate a gradual Americanisation of the Indian military, which is expected to import hardware and software worth$ 30bn in the next five years, according to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and industry of India.

分析人士预计,印度军队会逐渐实现美国化。印度工商业联合会(Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India)预计,在未来5年内,印度军队将进口价值300亿美元的硬件和软件。

16、Anxiety is an umbrella term for several disorders, including social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.

焦虑症是几种疾病的总称,包括社交焦虑障碍(social anxiety disorder)和广场恐怖症(agoraphobia)等。

17、Stapel was one of a few dozen adoptees whotook free DNA tests made available in Seoul this month during the InternationalKorean Adoptee Associations Gathering, which meets every three years.

本月,三年一度的国际韩国被领养人协会大会(International Korean Adoptee Associations Gathering)举行期间,几十名被领养人接受了免费的DNA检测。施塔珀尔就是其中之一。

18、I recently spoke to the Beijing furniture Manufacturers Association, whose female president donned a black abaya to visit Saudi Arabia in March.

最近,我与北京家具行业协会(Beijing Furniture Manufacturers Association)进行了对话。今年3月,该协会会长曾身披黑色长袍出访沙特阿拉伯。

