首页 英语作文 六级翻译高频词汇十篇(通用)






1.朝代 dynasty

During the Ming dynasty, the Great Wall was rebuilt. 明朝时期,长城得到了重建。

2.历史学家 historian

The historian used primary sources to document the event. 这位历史学家使用了原始资料来记录这次事件。

3.文献记载 literary record

The literary record of the event is stored in the library. 该事件的文献记载被保存在图书馆里。

4.文化 heritage

The country's cultural heritage is rich and diverse. 这个国家的文化遗产丰富而多元。

5.传统习俗 tradition custom

The tradition custom of the ethnic group was handed down through generations. 这个民族的传统习俗被传承了下来。

6.历史遗址 historical site

The historical site is located in the center of the city. 这个历史遗址位于市中心。

7.传记 biography

The biography of the president was published after his death. 总统的传记在他去世后出版了。

8.史前史 prehistory

Archaeologists studied prehistory through the discovery of fossils. 考古学家通过发现化石来研究史前史。

9.历史性里程碑 historic milestone

The agreement was a historic milestone in relations between the two countries. 该协议是两国关系中的一个历史性里程碑。

10.古迹 monument

The ancient monument was built to commemorate the king. 这座古迹是为纪念那位国王而建的。

11.碑文 inscription

The inscription on the monument was worn away by time. 纪念碑上的碑文因时间久远而磨损了。

12.考古学 archaeology

The archaeologist studied the ancient civilization using scientific methods. 这位考古学家使用科学的方法来研究古代文明。

13.博物馆 museum

The exhibits in the museum were well-preserved. 该博物馆的展品保存完好。

14.纪念品 souvenir .The souvenir shop sold gifts to tourists. 这家纪念品商店向游客出售礼品。

15.年份 dating

The dating of the ancient artifacts is still controversial. 这些古代工艺品的年代仍然存在争议。

16.古代文明 ancient civilization

The study of ancient civilizations has provided much information about the past. 对古代文明的研究提供了很多关于过去的信息。

17.文化交流 cultural exchange

The cultural exchange between the two countries has increased significantly in recent years. 近年来,两国之间的文化交流显著增加。

18.思想体系 ideological system

The ideological system of Confucianism has had a深远的影响 on Chinese culture. 儒家的思想体系对中国文化产生了深远的影响。

19.宗法制度 patriarchal clan system

The patriarchal clan system was common in ancient China. 宗法制度在古代中国很常见。

20.封建制度 feudal system

The feudal system was prevalent during the Middle Ages. 封建制度在中世纪非常普遍。


1.文化交流 cultural exchange

The cultural exchange between the two countries has increased significantly in recent years. 近年来,两国之间的文化交流显著增加。

2.传统文化 traditional culture The festival celebrates traditional culture and customs. 这个节日庆祝传统文化和习俗。

3.文化遗产 cultural heritage The country's cultural heritage is rich and diverse. 这个国家的文化遗产丰富而多元。

4.文化遗址 cultural relic The cultural relics were discovered during the archaeological excavation. 这些文物是在考古挖掘期间被发现的。

5.风俗习惯 customs and habits The customs and habits of the local people are unique to the region. 当地人的风俗习惯是这个地区所独有的。

6.民间艺术 folk art The folk art of paper cutting originated in China. 剪纸艺术起源于中国。

7.神话传说 mythology and legend The mythology and legends of ancient Greece have survived for thousands of years. 古希腊的神话传说已经流传了数千年。

8.民间故事 folktale The folktales of different cultures often share similar themes and plots. 不同文化的民间故事往往有相似的主题和情节。

9.艺术形式 artistic form The artistic form of the Renaissance period was highly influenced by Greek and Roman culture. 文艺复兴时期的艺术形式受到希腊和罗马文化的高度影响。

10.传统手工艺 traditional craftsmanship The traditional craftsmanship of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统工艺已经传承了数代。

11.诗歌 poetry The beauty of the poetry was lost in the translation. 这首诗的美感在翻译中消失了。

12.绘画艺术 painting The painter's masterpiece captured the essence of Chinese landscape painting. 画家的杰作捕捉到了中国山水画的精髓。

13.书法 calligraphy Calligraphy is an important part of Chinese culture. 书法是中国文化的重要组成部分。

14.音乐 music The traditional music of China has a rich and diverse heritage. 中国传统音乐有着丰富多样的遗产。

15.舞蹈 dance The dancer performed a graceful ballet at the party. 舞者在晚会上表演了一段优雅的芭蕾舞。

16.戏曲 opera The actors in the traditional opera performed their roles with great talent. 传统戏曲的演员们以高超的技艺扮演着自己的角色。

17.建筑艺术 architecture The architecture of the ancient city is a mirror of its past. 这座古城的建筑是它过去的写照。

18.园林景观 landscape garden The garden is a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. 这个花园是中国园林景观设计中的杰作。

19.礼仪礼节 etiquette The host greeted the guests with great etiquette. 主人用很正式的礼仪迎接了客人。

20.风俗习惯 custom The customs and traditions of the country are unique to its culture. 这个国家的风俗习惯是其文化的独特之处。


1.传统美德 traditional virtue

The traditional virtue of the Chinese nation includes respect for elders, love for the young, and a sense of righteousness. 中华民族的传统美德包括尊老爱幼、讲仁义。

2.传统手艺 traditional craft

The traditional craft of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统手艺已经传承了数代。

3.传统表演 traditional performance

The traditional performance of Peking Opera has been a favorite of the elderly. 北京京剧的传统表演深受老年人的喜爱。

4.传统服装 traditional costume

The traditional costume of the ethnic group is unique to its culture. 这个民族的传统服装是其文化所独有的。

5.传统食物 traditional food

The traditional food of the region is famous for its unique taste and aroma. 该地区的传统食物以其独特的味道和香气而闻名。

6.传统农业 traditional agriculture

The traditional agriculture of the country relies mainly on natural resources. 该国的传统农业主要依赖于自然资源。

7.传统工艺技术 traditional craftsmanship

The traditional craftsmanship of the artisan is highly respected in the community. 手工艺人的传统工艺技术受到社区的高度尊重。

8.传统医学 traditional medicine Traditional medicine has a long history and plays an important role in healthcare. 传统医学有着悠久的历史,在医疗保健中发挥着重要作用。

9.传统庙宇 traditional temple

The traditional temple is a place of pilgrimage and worship for local residents. 传统庙宇是当地居民进行朝拜和祭祀的场所。

10.传统节庆 traditional festival

The traditional festival is a time for family reunion and celebration. 传统节日是家人团聚和庆祝的时刻。

11.传统礼仪 traditional etiquette

The traditional etiquette of the royal court was strict and intricate. 王宫中的传统礼仪既严格又复杂。

12.传统乐器 traditional instrument

The sound of the Chinese zither is melodious and resonant. 中国古筝的声音优美而响亮。

13.传统建筑 traditional architecture

The traditional architecture of the country is unique and well-preserved. 该国的传统建筑独特且保存完好。

14.传统织造 traditional weaving

The traditional weaving techniques of the ethnic group are still in use today. 这个民族的传统织造技术至今仍在使用。

15.传统风俗 traditional custom

The traditional customs of the region are fascinating and diverse. 该地区的传统风俗独特且丰富多样。

16.传统生活方式 traditional way of life

The traditional way of life in the village is slowly disappearing due to modernization. 由于现代化的发展,村庄的传统生活方式正在慢慢消失。

17.传统手艺 traditional craft

The traditional craftsmanship of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统手艺已经传承了数代。

18.传统医学 traditional medicine

Chinese traditional medicine has a long history and rich experience. 中医具有悠久的历史和丰富的经验。

19.传统庙宇 traditional temple

The annual temple fair attracts thousands of tourists. 年度的庙会吸引了成千上万的游客。

20.传统节庆 traditional festival

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日。


1.烹饪 cookery

Chinese cookery is famous for its diverse techniques and rich flavors. 中国烹饪以多样的烹饪技巧和丰富的口味而闻名。

2.菜肴 dish

The restaurant offers a wide variety of Chinese dishes. 这家餐厅提供各种各样的中国菜肴。

3.汤 soup

The soup is made from a traditional recipe. 这汤是按照传统配方做的。

4.主食 staple food

Rice is the main staple food in many Asian countries. 米饭是许多亚洲国家的主要主食。

5.茶饮 tea

Chinese people have a long history of drinking tea. 中国人有着悠久的饮茶历史。

6.咖啡 coffee

Coffee is a popular beverage in many Western countries. 在许多西方国家,咖啡是一种受欢迎的饮料。

7.酒精饮品 alcoholic drink

Many people enjoy drinking alcoholic drinks in their free time. 许多人在空闲时间喜欢喝酒精饮品。

8.营养均衡 nutrition

A balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. 均衡饮食对于保持健康非常重要。

9.暴饮暴食 overeating

It's not good to overeat, especially when it's not necessary. 暴饮暴食不好,特别是没有必要的时候。

10.节食 dieting

Many women try to go on a diet to lose weight. 许多女性尝试节食来减肥。

11.素食主义 vegetarianism I am a vegetarian and I don't eat meat. 我是素食主义者,不吃肉。

12.饮食禁忌 dietary restriction

Some people have dietary restrictions and can't eat certain foods. 有些人有饮食禁忌,不能吃某些食物。

13.美食家 food lover

He is a food lover and loves trying different cuisines. 他是个美食家,喜欢尝试不同的菜肴。

14.饮食文化 dietary culture

The dietary culture of different regions varies significantly. 不同地区的饮食文化差异很大。

15.均衡膳食 balanced diet

A balanced diet is essential for good health. 均衡膳食对于身体健康至关重要。

16.节制食欲 temperance

Temperance is the virtue that restrains appetite and maintains a balance between the body and the soul. 节制是一种能够克制食欲并为身体与灵魂之间保持平衡的美德。

17.粗茶淡饭 simple fare

He prefers a simple fare to rich food. 与油腻的食物相比,他更喜欢粗茶淡饭。

18.民以食为天 Food is paramount in people's lives.

19.养生饮食 healthful diet

She emphasizes a healthful diet and avoids eating too much greasy food. 她注重养生饮食,避免吃太多油腻食物。

20.饕餮大餐 hearty meal

After a long day's work, he treated himself to a hearty meal. 经过一整天的劳作之后,他犒劳了自己一顿丰盛的晚餐。


1.经济体制 economic system

China has switched to a market-oriented economic system from a planned economy. 中国已经从计划经济转向市场经济。

2.经济发展 economic development

The government has taken measures to promote economic development in the region. 政府已经采取措施来促进该地区的经济发展。

3.经济全球化 economic globalization

The trend of economic globalization cannot be reversed. 经济全球化的趋势不可逆转。

4.国内生产总值 GDP

The country's GDP growth rate has been slowing down. 该国的国内生产总值增长率一直在放缓。

5.通货膨胀 inflation

Inflation has been a serious problem in many countries. 通货膨胀在许多国家都是一个严重的问题。

6.失业率 unemployment rate

The unemployment rate has been rising in recent months. 近几个月失业率一直在上升。

7.货币政策 monetary policy

The central bank is responsible for formulating monetary policy. 中央银行负责制定货币政策。

8.财政政策 fiscal policy

The government is implementing fiscal policies to stimulate the economy. 政府正在实施财政政策来刺激经济。

9.国际贸易 international trade

The trade agreement will promote international trade between the two countries. 该贸易协议将促进两国之间的国际贸易。

10.投资银行 investment bank

The investment bank advised the company on its merger with another firm. 该投资银行就该公司与另一家公司的合并提供了建议。

11.股票市场 stock market

The stock market is a good place to invest your money. 股票市场是投资的好地方。

12.风险投资 venture capital

The company received $1 million in venture capital from a venture capitalist. 公司从一位风险投资家那里获得了100万美元的风险投资。

13.证券交易 securities trading The brokerage firm provides securities trading services to its clients. 该经纪公司为其客户提供证券交易服务。

14.商业计划 business plan

He presented his business plan to the investors and received positive feedback. 他向投资者展示了他的商业计划并获得了积极的反馈。

15.知识产权 intellectual property

China has made significant progress in protecting its intellectual property rights. 中国在保护知识产权方面取得了重大进展。

16.跨国公司 multinational company

The multinational company operates factories around the world. 这家跨国公司在世界各地经营工厂。

17.经济增长 economic growth

The country's economic growth has been slowing down in recent years. 该国的经济增长近年来一直在放缓。

18.贸易逆差 trade deficit

The country has a large trade deficit with its neighboring countries. 该国与其邻国之间存在较大的贸易逆差。

19.招商引资 attracting investment

The government has launched a campaign to attract more foreign investment. 政府已经发起一场吸引更多外国投资的行动。

20.技术创新 technological innovation

The company has been investing in research and technological innovation. 该公司一直在投资研发和技术创新。


1.社会发展 social development

The government has made significant investments in social development. 政府在社会发展方面进行了大量投资。

2.城市化 urbanization

The rapid pace of urbanization has led to the expansion of cities and urban centers. 快速的城市化进程导致了城市和城市中心的扩张。

3.基础设施建设 infrastructure development

The government has prioritized infrastructure development in its national development strategy. 政府在其国家发展战略中将基础设施建设列为优先事项。

4.医疗卫生体系 healthcare system

The government is working to improve the efficiency and quality of the healthcare system. 政府正在努力提高医疗卫生体系的效率和质量。

5.教育体系 educational system

The educational system in the country is undergoing reforms to improve its quality and inclusivity. 该国教育体系正在进行改革以提高其质量和包容性。

6.贫困问题 poverty issue

The government has implemented anti-poverty policies to address the issue of poverty in the country. 政府已经实施了扶贫政策来解决该国的贫困问题。

7.就业问题 employment issue

The government is taking measures to address the employment issue and promote job creation. 政府正在采取措施解决就业问题并促进创造就业机会。

8.社会保障 social security

The government has taken steps to improve social security coverage and benefits. 政府已经采取措施改善社会保障的覆盖范围和福利。

9.医疗卫生改革 healthcare reform

The government has launched a major initiative to reform healthcare delivery and improve access to healthcare services. 政府已经发起一项重大倡议来改革医疗服务提供并改善获得医疗服务的机会。

10.可持续发展 sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development emphasizes the balance between economic, social and environmental needs. 可持续发展的概念强调经济、社会和环境需求之间的平衡。

11.社会公平 social equity

The government has taken measures to promote social equity and reduce income inequality. 政府已经采取措施促进社会公平和减少收入不平等。

12.环境保护 environmental protection

The government has implemented a series of environmental protection policies to address the issue of climate change. 政府已经实施了一系列环保政策来解决气候变化问题。

13.人口老龄化 aging population

The aging of the population has presented challenges to the government and society. 人口老龄化给政府和社会带来了挑战。

14.家庭结构 family structure

Changes in family structure have led to a rise in single-parent families and nuclear families. 家庭结构的变化导致了单亲家庭和核心家庭数量的增加。

15.城市化进程 urbanization process

The urbanization process has led to the expansion of cities and the growth of urban centers. 城市化进程导致了城市和城市中心的扩张。

16.社会保障制度 social security system

The social security system provides a safety net for individuals and families in times of need. 社会保障制度为有需要的个人和家庭提供了一个安全网。

17.基本公共服务 basic public services

The government is committed to providing access to basic public services for all citizens. 政府致力于为所有公民提供基本公共服务的获取途径。

18.减贫扶贫poverty reduction

The government's poverty reduction efforts have led to significant progress in reducing poverty rates. 政府的减贫努力使得贫困率大幅下降。

19.社会福利 social welfare

The government has increased spending on social welfare programs to improve the lives of the most vulnerable citizens. 政府增加了对社会福利计划的支出,以改善最弱势公民的生活。

20.社会稳定 social stability

The government has taken steps to ensure social stability by promoting tolerance and inclusivity. 政府已经采取措施通过促进宽容和包容性来确保社会稳定。


1.高等教育 higher education

He completed his bachelor's degree in Business Administration through distance learning. 他通过远程教育获得了商业管理学士学位。

2.职业教育 vocational education

The school offers a range of vocational courses to students. 学校为学生提供一系列的职业课程。

3.基础教育 fundamental education

All children should receive a good foundation in education. 所有儿童都应该接受良好的基础教育。

4.义务教育 compulsory education

The government has made it compulsory for all children to receive at least nine years of education. 政府规定所有儿童必须接受至少九年的教育。

5.教育体制 educational system

The country's educational system is highly regarded for its quality and inclusivity. 该国教育体系因其高质量和包容性而备受赞誉。

6.教育资源 educational resources

The government has invested in developing educational resources for students with special needs. 政府已经投资开发针对有特殊需求学生的教育资源。

7.教育公平 educational equity

The government is working to ensure that all students have equal access to education. 政府正在努力确保所有学生享有平等的受教育机会。

8.教学方法 teaching methods

The teacher used a variety of teaching methods to make the subject more interesting for the students. 老师运用了多种教学方法使这个学科更加有趣。

9.教学质量 teaching quality

The government has taken steps to improve the quality of teaching in primary schools. 政府已经采取措施提高小学教学质量。

10.校园文化 campus culture

The campus culture at this university is very rich and diverse. 这所大学的校园文化非常丰富和多元。

11.学术氛围 academic atmosphere

The school prides itself on its vibrant academic atmosphere. 该校以其活跃的学术氛围而自豪。

12.学费 tuition fee

The tuition fee for the coming semester has been announced. 下学期的学费已经公布了。

13.奖学金 scholarship

He received a scholarship to study abroad. 他获得了留学奖学金。

14.校园生活 campus life

The campus life at this university is very enriching and enjoyable. 这所大学的校园生活非常充实和愉快。

15.课程设置 curriculum setting

The school has reviewed its curriculum to make it more relevant to modern society. 学校已经审查了课程设置,使其更符合现代社会。

16.教学方法 teaching approach

The teacher used an interactive teaching approach to engage the students. 老师使用了互动式教学方法来吸引学生。

17.师资力量 teaching faculty

The school boasts a highly qualified teaching faculty. 该校拥有高素质的师资队伍。

18.实践教学 practical teaching

The course emphasized on practical teaching and skills training. 该课程注重实践教学和技能培训。

19.学术研究 academic research

The professor is well-known for his academic research in the field of psychology. 该教授因其心理学领域的学术研究而闻名。

20.学术期刊 academic journal

He published his research in an academic journal. 他在学术期刊上发表了他的研究。


1.环境保护 environmental protection

The government has taken measures to enhance environmental protection and reduce pollution. 政府已经采取措施加强环境保护和减少污染。

2.生态平衡 ecological balance

The loss of biodiversity threatens the ecological balance of the region. 生物多样性的丧失威胁着该地区的生态平衡。

3.可持续发展 sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development emphasizes the balance between economic, social and environmental needs. 可持续发展的概念强调经济、社会和环境需求之间的平衡。

4.自然资源 natural resources

The country has abundant natural resources, including oil, coal and natural gas. 这个国家拥有丰富的自然资源,包括石油、煤炭和天然气。

5.气候变化 climate change

The meeting focused on the issue of climate change and how to address it. 会议重点关注气候变化问题以及如何应对。

6.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction

The government has implemented policies to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in order to tackle climate change. 政府已经实施政策以促进节能减排来应对气候变化。

7.水资源管理 water resource management

The government has strengthened its water resource management policies to ensure sustainable use of water resources. 政府已经加强了水资源管理政策以确保水资源的可持续利用。

8.垃圾处理 waste disposal

The city has implemented new waste disposal methods to reduce pollution and environmental damage. 城市已经实施新的垃圾处理方法以减少污染和环境破坏。

9.空气污染 air pollution

The government has taken measures to reduce air pollution in the city center. 政府已经采取措施减少市中心的空气污染。

10.有害物质 hazardous material

The factory was fined for releasing harmful substances into the environment. 该工厂因向环境中释放有害物质而被罚款。

11.绿色能源 green energy

The government has been promoting the use of green energy to reduce carbon emissions. 政府一直在推广使用绿色能源以减少碳排放。

12.能源消耗 energy consumption

The rise in energy consumption is mainly due to the increase in population and economic activity. 能源消耗的增加主要是由于人口和和经济活动的增加。

13.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction

The company has launched a new campaign to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the workplace. 公司已经发起了一项新的活动来促进工作场所的节能减排。

14.可持续发展目标 sustainable development goals

The UN has set a series of sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030. 联合国已经设定了一系列可持续发展目标,计划到2030年实现。

15.环境恶化 environmental degradation

The impact of deforestation on the environment is evident in the degradation of soil and water resources. 森林砍伐对环境的影响表现在土壤和水资源的恶化上。

16.环保意识 environmental awareness

The event was aimed at increasing environmental awareness among the public. 该活动旨在提高公众的环保意识。

17.生态恢复 ecological restoration

The project aims to restore the ecological balance of the region through planting native trees and protecting wildlife. 该项目旨在通过种植本土树种和保护野生动植物来恢复该地区的生态平衡。

18.减少排放 reduce emissions

The company has taken measures to reduce emissions from its factories. 该公司已经采取措施来减少工厂的排放量。

19.世界环境日 World Environment Day

The UN designated June 5th as World Environment Day to raise awareness about environmental issues. 联合国将6月5日定为世界环境日,以提高人们对环境问题的认识。

20.环境保护法规 environmental protection regulations

The government has implemented strict environmental protection regulations to protect the country's natural resources. 政府已经实施了严格的环境保护法规以保护国家的自然资源。


1.AI(artificial intelligence)人工智能

With the development of artificial intelligence, many traditional industries are undergoing changes.


2.Big Data大数据

The application of big data technology in the business sphere is becoming increasingly widespread.


3.Cloud Computing云计算

Many companies now use cloud computing technology to improve work efficiency.


4.5G Technology 5G技术

The application of 5G technology will change people's lifestyles.



The application of blockchain technology has penetrated into multiple fields such as finance and supply chain management.


6.Biometric Identification生物识别

Biometric identification technology has been widely used in the security field.


7.Quantum Computing量子计算

The development of quantum computing technology will have a significant impact on cryptography.



Virtual reality technology brings a whole new experience to the gaming and entertainment fields.



Augmented reality technology can combine virtual elements with real-world scenes, providing people with a richer visual experience.


10. IoT( Internet of Things )物联网

The application of the Internet of Things will make the city more intelligent.


11. industry 4.0 工业4.0

Industry 4.0 will have a profound impact on the manufacturing industry.


12. Autonomous Driving自动驾驶

The development of autonomous driving will change the way people travel.


13. 3D Printing 3D打印

The application of 3D printing technology has become very widespread.


14. Nanotechnology纳米技术

The application of nanotechnology in the medical field has enormous potential.


15. Graphene石墨烯

Graphene has excellent electrical conductivity and strength, and is considered a promising new material.


16. Quantum Entanglement量子纠缠

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement has important application value in the field of quantum communication.


17. Terahertz Waves太赫兹波

The application of terahertz wave technology in material inspection is receiving increasing attention.


18. Hypervelocity Flight高超音速飞行

Hypervelocity flight technology is of great significance to the military and aviation fields.


19. Miniaturization微型化

The application of miniaturization technology in the medical and electronics fields is becoming more widespread.


20. Quantum Cryptography量子密码学

The application of quantum cryptography will improve the security of communication.



1.One Country, Two Systems 一国两制

One country, two systems, is an important principle put forward by the Chinese government.


2.Reform and Opening Up 改革开放

China's reform and opening up policy has brought great changes to the country.


3.Mass Line 大众路线

The government should take the mass line to solve the people's problems.


4.Party Building 党的建设

The party building is an important part of the CPC's work.


5.Anti-Corruption斗争 反腐败斗争

The government has launched a campaign to win the anti-corruption war.


6.Mass Tourism 大众旅游

China's mass tourism policy has led to a surge in tourism.


7.Public Policy 公共政策

The government should formulate appropriate public policies to solve social problems.


8.Party Constitution 党章

The party constitution defines the duties and responsibilities of CPC members.


9.Party Leadership 党的领导

The CPC has always强调党的集中统一领导。


10.State security 国家安全

The government is working hard to ensure national security.


11.National Defense 国防

The government is responsible for strengthening national defense.


12.Tax Policy 税收政策

The government should reform its tax policy to encourage economic growth.


13.Monetary Policy 货币政策

The central bank is responsible for formulating monetary policy.


14.Exchange Rate Policy 外汇政策

The government should take measures to stabilize the exchange rate.


15.Trade Policy 贸易政策

The government's trade policy should be based on national interests.


16.Industrial Policy 产业政策

The government should formulate appropriate industrial policies to promote economic development.


17.Population Policy 人口政策

The government should formulate appropriate population policies to control the growth of population.


18.Education Policy 教育政策

The government should improve its education policy to enhance the quality of education.


19.Healthcare Policy 医疗政策

The government should focus on improving healthcare policy to ensure universal coverage.

