首页 英语作文 单词百科:non-monetary是什么意思?non-monetary怎么发音?non-monetary的解释和用法








1、European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金;

2、European economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济和货币联盟

3、monetary system 货币制度,货币体系;

4、monetary policy 货币政策;

5、monetary penalty 罚款处分;

6、monetary fund 货币资金;

7、monetary easing 货币宽松政策

8、monetary authority 金融主管当局;

9、non sequitur 不合逻辑的推论;

10、non living 非生活

11、non fiction 纪实文学;

12、non est factum 否认订立合同的抗辩;

13、non compos mentis 精神不正常的,心神丧失的;

14、persona non grata 不受欢迎的人;

15、sine qua non 必要条件,要素;

16、personae non gratae 个人不受欢迎

17、monetary bloc [财]货币集团;

18、monetary indices 货币指标;

19、non conformity 不适合;

20、non directive 不定向的;


1、And the characteristics related to career include employment area, expected salary, monetary payment and non-monetary payment.

职业特征变量里面包括就业地区预期 、 预期收入 、 工作的货币报酬和 非 货币报酬等多个方面.

2、The ratio of non-monetary property investment company registered capital of up to 70 percent.

其中, 非 货币财产出资比例最高可达公司注册资本的70%.

3、Amendment of Authorization Profile shall be treated as non-monetary service.

更改授权资料被视为 非 涉及金额的服务.

4、It has eliminated most non-monetary factors such as management headaches.

它取消了大多数 非 金钱运作的因素,比如经营困难等等.

5、They got many kinds of non-monetary rewards: fame and appreciation, for example.

他们将得到许多与收入无关的回报: 比如,荣誉和爱戴.

6、When an adopted suggestion results in intangible benefits, a non-monetary award is granted.

如果被采纳的建议案其成果是有无形的益处, 适用 非 奖金方式的奖赏.

7、As a funded non-monetary assets be assessed and appraised to verify the property, be over-or under-priced.

作为出资的 非 货币财产应当评估作价,核实财产, 不得高估或者低估作价.

8、Where there is an impairment , revaluation or other fair value change in a non-monetary item.

外币 非 货币性项目发生贬值,增值,公允价值变动是, 汇率变动产生汇兑差额.

