首页 英语作文 单词百科:longer-term是什么意思?longer-term怎么发音?longer-term的解释和用法








1、term begins 开学;

2、at term 到期;

3、any longer 再,仍再;

4、algebraic term 代数项;

5、beginning of term 开学;

6、come to term 进入任期

7、full term 整个任期

8、fixed term staff 固定期合同工;

9、fixed term contract 定期雇用合同;

10、fixed term appointment 固定期聘用;

11、long term trend 长期趋势;

12、long term loan 长期贷款;

13、long term 长期的;

14、mid term [法] 中期;

15、medium term loan 中期贷款;

16、not any longer 不再;

17、no longer 不再;

18、prison term 刑期;

19、price term [法]价格条件;

20、solar term 节气;


1、Yet in the longer term bigger buffers are essential.


2、In general, women manage the day-to-day finances but leave most longer-term decisions to men.


3、Longer term it's a good idea to move toward a world currency.


4、Don't get discouraged and keep plugging away at your longer-term projects.

不要灰心,继续苦干你的 长期 项目.

5、Demand for these loans has waning, especially for the longer-term credit.

这些贷款的需求正在不断萎缩, 尤其是较 长期 贷款.

6、Ministers to change the subject to their longer-term record.

大臣们试图粉饰他们的这个 长期 目标.

7、That is bound to lower expectations about the economy's longer-term growth prospects.

这将更加降低人们对 长期 经济的预期.

8、Participants also will begin to address the longer-term problems.

与会者还将开始讨论更 长远 的问题.

9、The temptation to sell is greater for longer-term loans.

对于 长期 资产来说,卖出的吸引力更大.

10、The longer-term outlook is worrying, but it's not catastrophic.

长期 前景令人担忧, 但不至于是灾难性的.

11、Effect on Yield of longer-term lease and subsequent value of property.

长期 租赁的收益和由此产生的房产价值的变化.

12、But there are also some troubling signs for the longer term.


13、In the longer term, does it even make political sense?

在长期, 这个问题还会有政治意义 吗 ?

14、But his longer-term problem is to secure the future of deep-sea drilling.

但他面临的 长期 问题将是拯救 深海 钻探的前途.

15、Seen as the Not only the immediate, but longer-term future the road.

因为所看到的不仅仅是眼前, 而是今后更 长远 的路.

