首页 英语作文 2024年6月英语六级翻译训练题及答案:中国制造








"Made in China" refers to the labels attached to products manufactured in China. due to China's abundant labor and raw material resources, products made in China are known for being high-quality and affordable, and they are welcomed by countries around the world. China's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, and "Made in China" has become a widely recognized label globally. Currently, China has become the center of the world's manufacturing industry, often referred to as the "World Factory." despite the fact that a large proportion of global electronic products and footwear are made in China, the design of these products is often completed in European and American countries. Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese companies are committed to creating their own brands, in the hope of transitioning from "Made in China" to "Designed in China."


1. "Made in China" - 指商品上表明其在中国制造的标签。

2. Labels - 指贴在商品上的标签或标志。

3. Manufactured - 指生产或制造商品的过程。

4. Abundant - 指丰富的、充裕的。

5. Labor and raw material resources - 指劳动力和原材料资源。

6. High-quality and affordable - 指高质量且价格合理的。

7. Welcomed by countries around the world - 指受到世界各国的好评和欢迎。

8. Rapidly - 指迅速地、快速地。

9. Widely recognized label - 指广泛认可的标识。

10. Center of the world's manufacturing industry - 指世界制造业的中心。

11. World Factory - 指被称为世界工厂。

12. Electronic products and footwear - 指电子产品和鞋类。

13. Design - 指产品设计的过程。

14. Completed in European and American countries - 指设计工作是在欧美国家完成的。

15. Committed to creating their own brands - 指致力于创建自己的品牌。

16. Transitioning from "Made in China" to "Designed in China" - 指从“中国制造”向“中国设计”的转变。
